Jamie Campbell Bower-fansclub

到底什么才是It Gets Better

There is a lot of beautiful beautiful young people in the audience.
I remember when I was young, I feel like I can do anything.
I feel like I can climb the highest tree, I feel like I can fly in the clouds.
As I got older, as I entered in this world,
this seems to be so full of hatred and division.
I feel very impressed, I feel very surprised
I'm trying everything I could to take myself away from my reality.
Cause I was allowing myself to feel.
I wasn't talking about how I felt inside I was talking about my shame, my guilt, my pain, my hurt.
I bought it all up.
And it ruined me.
One thing I want to try to tell everybody is that talking about your feelings, it's not a crime, it's ok to tell to somebody, it's ok to say "hey, look, listen, today I don't feel like getting out of bed, today I hate myself, today I just want to lie under the covers".
We live in society that they tell us about weak, but that's not true.
Because it is my belief that by sharing what we have inside of us, all of us, every single person in this room, every single person in the outside world, we will create a community of people and we do care about each other.
And we will survive.

So ladies and gentlemen, I implore you, to go out there into the world, with love in your heart, with kindness in your eyes, and be honest, and don't be afraid of being vulnerable.
Cause I promise you, if you do that, everything that you feel not ok about yourself, will disappear.
Because you are not the only person who feels like that.




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